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Reflecting and journaling is a crucial piece of the challenge. Plan to make time every day to reflect on what you chose to do, what you’re learning, and how you are feeling. At the very least, use the "Notes" space on the tracking tool.

For Organizations/Groups: Continuum Questions

21-Day Questions for Continuum Print 2024


If you use, revise, or edit the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge©, any of the additional editions, or content created by Dr. Eddie Moore Jr. and his team at The Privilege Institute, follow these required guidelines.


1.    Now, more than ever, giving credit to #BlackExcellence, #BlackIdeas, and #BlackGenius is critical to the long-term success of BIPOC folks leading the antiracist charge in our community. We’ve made it easy to give proper recognition by providing language that can be used with all forms of communication, including websites, social media, email, printed documents, and/or press coverage, interviews, and infomercials.


2.    Our commitment is to continue to offer the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge© and its additional editions free of charge. We continually enhance the materials, monitor social media pages, respond to inquiries/questions, and Moore. All of this comes at a cost, and at the very least, we would like to ensure that those putting in the work are receiving the proper shout out, kudos, and recognition for a job well done. Use the hashtags #21DayRacialEquityChallenge, #BlackIdea, and #HabitBuilding in all social media posts.


3. Copy and paste the following language for press, publications, etc.:


The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge© (#BlackIdea) was created by Dr. Eddie Moore Jr. (#BlackMind), the executive director of The Privilege Institute (TPI). Further editions were co-developed with Debby Irving and Dr. Marguerite Penick (#DiverseSolutions) and co-curated with pertinent partners. The challenges have been adopted by organizations, associations, and corporations all over the world and are designed to help people better understand issues surrounding equity, inclusion, privilege, leadership, and supremacy over an intentional, habit-building 21 days. We are excited to offer you this challenge in partnership with Dr. Moore, America & MOORE, and The Privilege Institute. As you build your habit, be sure to tag, comment, and follow the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge© on Facebook and other social media sites.


4. Copy and paste the following language for social media:


21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge© (#BlackIdea) was created by Eddie Moore Jr. (#BlackMind), ED of TPI. Editions co-developed with Debby Irving & Marguerite Penick (#DiverseSolutions) & co-curated with #MoorePartners. #21DayChallenge #HabitBuilding

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